Our teams feature, POWA Food, Okra is packed with nutrition and is a humble addition to many Caribbean, Afrikan meals. Consumed as a vegetable okra is […]
AMCHASSE calls for a local, regional, and national Health Strategy to address the health crisis impacting the Afrikan Black and Caribbean communities. “Toronto has the largest […]
Amexem Mu recommends the Afrikan Bio-mineral, Ital, and Living foods diet. These diets supply the minerals and nutrition best suited to maintain, restore and improve the […]
The international decade for the people of African descent (idpad) and other un documents recommendation governments, and corporations eliminate over 400 years of, normalized, and almost […]
Diabetes/high blood sugar: Impact a significant number of PAD in the GTA, research shows. This diagnosis often leads to insulin dependence or metformin a widely prescribed […]
Increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables can improve the quality of your life, prevent premature death as well as prevent many chronic dis-eases. Diets high […]